"Losing my future is not like losing election or a few points on the stock market."
Ein 12 jähriges Mädchen hält eine rührende Rede, die jeden in den Bann zieht. Und die damals wie heute unendlich wichtig und wahr ist... leider!
Ich hab jedes mal Tränen in den Augen wenn ich ihre Worte hör...
Seht selbst und macht Euch Eure eigenen Gedanken, bitte!
"Did you have to worry about these things when you were my age?"
"If you don't know how to fix it, please stop breaking it!"
"Even when we have more than enough, we are afraid to share."
"If a child on the streets who has nothing, is willing to share, why are we, who have everything, still so greedy?"
"I am only a child, yet I know, if all the money spent on war, was spent on finding environmental answers, ending poverty and finding treaties, what a wonderful place this earth would be."
"Are we even on your list of priorities?"
"Please, make your actions reflect your words"
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